Chilly winter is expected

From Perestroika till Today

Luka Lasareishvili and Zurab Arabidze Exhibition-Campaign

Curator: Khatuna Khabuliani

In 1985 Perestroika started officially and it has turned into significant event of the world; media started talking on the end of “Evil Empire”, disappearance of “Iron Curtain”, demolition of Berlin Wall.

New meh, characters, rock-movement with its famous slogan “We are waiting for Changes!” was born. Everyone was looking for changes, especially young generation. However, process of dissolution of the empire was more difficult and painful than expected andforecasted. Series of frustration kicked in, symbolic act of wall demolishment did not mean entering field of freedom, new obstacles were breaking out there.

Chilly winter is expected

Wall of confrontation in human consciousness

The Wall of Confrontation represents the boundaries set by nationalities, religions, territorial divisions, society circles, families in the human minds. Society´s mission has always been to subdue the consciousness of as many as possible. Those thinking or feeling differently from the society are trapped. They suffocate, they revolt, beat themselves against the wall, try to jump it over, distance themselves from others, but are brought back and back again to the social influence of the group they think they belong.

It is known that we need to strive in a tribe in order to survive. Tribes usually have their rulers and rules that shouldn´t be violated.

Is it possible to survive staying in harmony with your thoughts, feelings & opinions, be truthful to yourself and honest to others? We face the alternative to become part of a bigger group or to flee. Social conflicting systems, beliefs and principles given an alternative become a wall, when one has to choose, when neither of the two versions may be acceptable to him, but he is still compelled to choose.

Every condition creates an artificial feeling that there is no other alternative, but at the same time it’s the alternative which raises the wall.

All contradictions stem in the human mind. Accepting a new different kind of solution, which may be a way out, at first, creates a feeling of fear and that feeling of novelty takes one back to the barrier.

The basic principle of freedom is that a person should make a choice independently, not on the basis of environmental conditions. Circumstances may include not only external factors but our inner emotions as well.

Great unification

Great unification - the unification at ultrahigh energies of three fundamental interactions - strong, electromagnetic and weak. A prerequisite for combining the three mentioned interactions is that the forces (intensities) of these interactions, which radically differ at ordinary (low) energies, converge with increasing energy and, correspondingly, decreasing the distance between particles, and, according to estimates, converge at energy 1015–1016 GeV (≈10-29 cm), called the point of the Great Unification.

As the energy grows (starting from the lowest), the strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions merge into one in two stages. At an energy of 102 GeV (distance neaeqv10-16 cm), the electromagnetic interaction merges with the weak to electroweak. The formation of electroweak interaction is an established fact and its theory is created (electroweak model). At the point of the Great Unification, the electroweak interaction merges with the strong. This merger is a hypothesis. The carriers of the forces of the Great Unification are hypothetical bosons X and Y, which have huge masses of 1015 - 1016 GeV / s2.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to artificially create the conditions for the Great Unification due to the fantastic energies required for this, there are a number of qualitatively new effects predicted by this association that can be tested in laboratory conditions. So the theories of the Great Unification (TVO) predict the decay of a proton into a positron and a neutral pion.

Neither the baryon nor the lepton quantum number is preserved in this decay (these numbers were preserved in all the processes observed), and the time of such a decay in the simplest TVO is about 1030 years. Such decays were not detected and the lower time limit of such a decay is neaeqv1032 years.     

The conditions for the Great Unification could exist in the Universe for a short period immediately after the Big Bang, i.e. about 13-14 billion years ago, when her age was 10–43-10–36 s.

In search of a free choice /The existential drama of man/

Disorientation of collective visions

Zura Arabidze’s project offers visitors a field of existential philosophy, where he deals with the conditions of human existence: individual perception of the world, freedom and possibility of choice. Individual perception of the world is a complex and controversial process with its conflicts and subjectivity, and the contradiction is always accompanied by new energy, which can turn into an artistic form.

Changes in personal space, individual experience, and psychological balance are inevitable when confronted with the societal vision, “common sense”, or established rules. The individual worldview is formed as a result of complex processes and is never unshakable fixture in life - it always undergoes stress with different manifestations of the chaos existing outside, instability.

Zura Arabidze’s multimedia installation is a visualization of the complex relationship of personal and public aspects. By contrasting colors, the author conveys the theme of contrast, which can grow to conflict. It rests on the foundation of monochrome art, where each color is independent and lively, dynamic fixture in life, while the contrasting of colors does not mean just enmity — an individual color can be identified with the life of a person who is in perpetual interaction with the world, with other consciousness, and this process never ends.

The dramaturgical scheme of the installation elaborates several main themes: meeting of the barbed wire and the mirror surface represents symbolically the desire of consciousness for freedom and obstacles created by dogmas along this path. The space represents the reality overloaded with video images, information, the introduction of new values ​​and the accompanying pressure, while the trees in the metal structure indicate an environmental disaster, the absence of future.

The exposition is interactive in the sense that it offers the visitor a special space for reflection on the personal and public aspects, for rethinking and expressing one’s own experience.

Khatuna Khabuliani.

Installation; human factor VS nature /mixed media 400x250x4500 cm/

Theory of relativity time dilation /Life is an effort in time/

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity time dilation is a difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from a gravitational mass or masses. Time dilation explains why two working clocks will report different times after different accelerations. For example astronauts return from missions having aged slightly less then, had they remained on earth.

Also the comparison of muon lifetimes at different speeds is interesting. In the laboratory, slow muons are produced; and in the atmosphere, very fast moving muons are introduced by cosmic rays. The cosmic ray produced muon traveling at 98% of the speed of light is about five times longer, in agreement with observations.

So speed acceleration slows down time run and vise a versa, for time acceleration speed must be reduced.

Lack of time is a problem, about which the majority of earth’s society is very concerned. Many scientists claim that time started to run faster on earth, and people notice it, because it has changed radically. This may be caused by the climate system changes, including changes in atmospheric composition (e.g., increased concentrations of greenhouse gases), industrial era, solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun. As a result, our planet changes the orbit towards the sun, getting more closer. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the slower it will spin around it. With the decrease of the speed, the time run is to be accelerated.  And it is today’s reality.

One needs too much effort too feel and realise every moment of life. Reality seems more to be a psychedelic movement, frozen in a mass hallucination

"Life is an effort in time." Freedom. I. Questions unanswered.

"... All the foundations of our conscious moral life, all the questions of meaning that you have so well formulated: who am I? Why am I? Etc., lie in an area about which we can say this: this is an area of ​​what you can’t know in principle, you can’t know in advance, suppose, imagine from existing ideas and logical possibilities of thought, enter a definition. This can be known only by going the path yourself. On yourself and in yourself.  

- Does this apply only to people with advanced intelligence? After all, there are people who want to be led.

“But then, put out the candles.”  

- Yes, but there are many such people.  

- That's that. If I define human life as an effort in time, by doing so I affirm that in life there will always be a hierarchy for every given moment. The lesser made the effort, the greater. And this is not a Question of democracy, because democracy assumes equality of initial efforts, and the question is fatal. It is impossible to equally divide what is not there, what only a person has to learn and discover with his or her test. And in this sense, there is some kind of fair and unfair hierarchy at every given moment, because at every given moment we have a total life. Therefore, there are rules of wisdom worked out by society, which, for example, prescribe patience for some: wait, not in a hurry (they do not allow you to immediately commit an aggressive act). You yourself can’t do it like others, obey, take as an example, etc. "(" Department ")  

... In the language of philosophy, such an effort is usually called transcending. By transcending experience, existing orders, existing psychic mechanisms, etc. Here is some indication that in man, besides what we could describe as naturally existing, there is also a certain acting force pushing him to go beyond these limits and transcending. Transcending to what? But to nothing; since, according to the meaning of the symbolic concepts that I introduced before, there are no such objects. That is: there is transcendence, but there is no transcendental, there are no transcendental objects. Kant, with his Critique of Pure Reason, established this fact forever, which, of course, existed before it was established - that there are no such transcendental objects, including God. There are symbols by which we denote the consequences of the action of some force in ourselves.

Therefore, the most meaningful definition of freedom (and the concept of freedom is directly related to the individual) is the definition of freedom as something in us that does not depend on us, which is transcendental in the sense that it never has any concrete grounds, which we could find in any particular culture surrounding the individual.

"... Personal structures are not the structures of our individuality - this is a different concept, including in the psychological sense. Just, maybe, to the extent that we act personally, we are not individual, not at all individual. And the ability to act individually, but not standardly (of course, this is a different contrast of concepts), there is the ability to find oneself in the sphere of personality structures, that is, personal actions transcend - I have already used this term - any specific orders. And therefore, in fact, it recognizes among them, as a special one. So, this type of action supports a leaky being, that is, a being that is organized in such a way as to be reproduced as being, peace, cosmos, if you like, only if there is effort on the part of the person , now already during the conversation in the language enriched by us, with the levels of transcending as a personal act, or the presence of a personal structure. there are people who are able to act personally, that is, capable of reproducing this setting, for example, moral law, legal law, etc. at the level of their own inherent vital mortal need, risk and responsibility, understanding, etc. And if not of these, a certain number of personalities, or at least one personality, these establishments are not reproduced, that is, the cosmos dies. In old mythologies, this thing is not that it was well understood, it was well worked out in rituals. After all, ritual actions were considered not just worship of some god, and from this point of view they are stupid in the eyes of an enlightened person, but they were considered as actions involved in the reproduction of the cosmos, ordered in the way it is ordered: and if these actions do not, then the cosmos will fall apart. "(" Philosophy and Personality ")

He (Descartes) and led through all his philosophy one strange, at first glance, thing that is also an ontological postulate: one who can inspire himself in peace alone in the inspiration of the naked moment of truth (that is hardly

Merab Mamardashvili

Starting point

Compton Effect

The Compton effect is the scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a free electron, accompanied by a decrease in the frequency of radiation (discovered by A. Compton in 1923). In this process, electromagnetic radiation behaves like a stream of individual particles - corpuscles (which in this case are the quanta of the electromagnetic field - photons), which proves the dual - particle-wave - nature of electromagnetic radiation. From the point of view of classical electrodynamics, scattering of radiation with a change in frequency is impossible.

Compton scattering is the scattering by a free electron of an individual photon with energy E = hν = hc / λ (h is the Planck constant, ν is the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, λ is its length, s is the speed of light) and momentum p = E / s. Scattering on a resting electron, a photon transfers to it a part of its energy and momentum and changes the direction of its motion. The electron begins to move as a result of scattering. A photon after scattering will have an energy E '= hν' (and frequency) less than its energy (and frequency) before scattering. Accordingly, after scattering, the photon wavelength λ 'will increase. From the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, it follows that the wavelength of the photon after scattering will increase by where θ is the scattering angle of the photon, and me is the electron mass h / mec = 0.024 Å is called the Compton electron wavelength.

The change in wavelength upon Compton scattering does not depend on λ and is determined only by the scattering angle θ of the γ quantum. The kinetic energy of an electron is determined by the ratio The effective cross section for scattering of a γ quantum by an electron does not depend on the characteristics of the absorber material.

The effective cross section of the same process, calculated per atom, is proportional to the atomic number (or the number of electrons in an atom) Z.

The Compton scattering cross section decreases with increasing γ-quantum energy: σk ~ 1 / Eγ.

Reverse Compton Effect

If the electron at which the photon is scattered is ultrarelativistic Ee >> Eγ, then in such a collision the electron loses energy, and the photon acquires energy. Such a scattering process is used to produce monoenergetic beams of high-energy γ-quanta. To this end, the photon flux from the laser is scattered at large angles by a beam of high-energy accelerated electrons extracted from the accelerator. Such a source of high energy and density gamma rays is called Laser-Electron-Gamma-Source (LEGS). In the current LEGS source, laser radiation with a wavelength of 351.1 μm (~ 0.6 eV) is converted into a flux of γ-quanta with energies of 400 MeV as a result of scattering by electrons accelerated to energies of 3 GeV).

The energy of the scattered photon Eγ depends on the speed v of the accelerated electron beam, the energy Eγ0 and the angle of collision θ of the laser photons with the electron beam, the angle between the φ directions of motion of the primary and scattered photon

In a “head-on” collision

E0 is the total energy of the electron before the interaction, mc2 is the rest energy of the electron. If the direction of the velocities of the initial photons is isotropic, then the average energy of scattered photons antieγ is determined by the relation

antieγ = (4Eγ / 3) · (Ee / mc2).

In the scattering of relativistic electrons by microwave relic radiation, isotropic X-ray cosmic radiation with energy Eγ = 50–100 keV.

The experiment confirmed the predicted change in the photon wavelength, which testified in favor of the corpuscular concept of the mechanism of the Compton effect. The Compton effect, along with the photoelectric effect, was a convincing proof of the correctness of the initial provisions of the quantum theory of the particle-wave nature of microworld particles.


Every person wants to love and to be loved with strong, true and sincere love. Find your part ofloveat the exhibition where you can collect feelings.
Contemporary artist Zurab Arabidze fills his works with the most simple phrases. With the words, which we say to express our desire, love and warmth.Works are untitled. On canvas one and the same phrase is being repeated with mantras principle. Visitor must read each word of every work from the beginning till the end. Energy charge, which mantra creates,  penetrates into different layers of persons unconsciousness and fills each cell with information. “I love you”, “come to me”, “I miss you”, “ I want to be with you” – repeated 100 or more, is some kind of meditation for visitors. Exhibition is interactive. Energies whichwillbe collectvia reading the phrases, emotions which will be gathered in your sub-consciousness, can be expressed and fascinated on special wall. With this every visitor can participate in the exposition. Exhibition is for everyone, who loves to hug, who considers that love is and always will be, for whom love breathes, for those who believe that love will come, if not today than tomorrow.

At the exhibition F63.9 modern artist Zurab Arabidze will represent his book “I love you”.
Books about love are located in the book-case. The initial idea about the illustration came from the author's observations about attitudes towards love. In majority of cases we hide love, and as time passes we don’t open up ,we don’t talk about love anymore. In order to deepen the feeling of love , in order to highlight the memories ,Zurab arabidze presents the book "I love you".
On the 404 page, on 202 paper ,love is explained 63 468 times. Book for everyone who can love. Give this to beloved person and ask them to read this book. Give it to your parents , children, friends and of course to your beloved.

The first page of this book is empty for you to express how much you love that person.

The past returned into future is the hallutination of the childhoods physical pain in present

Virtual particles

Virtual particles are short-lived unobservable particles arising in a vacuum and during collisions or decays of particles. In collisions and decays of particles, virtual particles play the role of carriers of interactions. In quantum theory, the interactions and mutual transformations of particles are described as the birth or absorption of virtual particles by a free particle. So, for example, an electron gives birth and absorbs virtual photons.     

Two simple processes involving virtual particles are shown in the figure. The virtual particles on the left are the electron, positron and photon. They are simultaneously born in a vacuum in the left node and then disappear in the right. The figure on the right illustrates the interaction of two real electrons through the exchange of a virtual photon playing the role of a carrier of electromagnetic interaction.     

The appearance of any virtual particle violates the law of conservation of energy by a certain value ΔЕ, however, such violations are allowed by quantum mechanics during the time intervals Δt allowed by the uncertainty relation ΔЕΔt> ћ (ћ = h / 2π, h is the Planck constant). During the time intervals Δt <ћ / ΔЕ, these disturbances are fundamentally unobservable, as are the intermediate particles themselves, which are therefore called virtual. At the moment of disappearance (absorption) of a virtual particle, the energy balance is restored.     

For a virtual particle, the relation of the special theory of relativity between the total energy E, momentum vec_p and mass m: E2 = p2c2 + m2c4 is not satisfied. So, a virtual photon can have a zero momentum, i.e. rest, which is excluded for the observed photon. Almost all physical processes occurring at high energies and at distance scales <10-8 cm are based on the emission and absorption of virtual particles.

They woke up in the future /parallel memory from the past/

ARCHmetamorphizm /Coupling constants/

Works of ARCHmetamorphizm project depict refraction of the author’s vision of architectural elements in a photograph.

Architectural sculpture transforms into fanciful forms as if small pieces of glass create a new geometrical reality after the turn of a kaleidoscope. Within such a transformation the original meaning of the utilised subjects are lost, they are no longer apartment or office buildings, or historical monuments, they become only the elements of a certain author’s vision, entering an aesthetic context.

Taking this path and losing its individuality, architectural elements become part of the author’s game with space, creating mosaics in which chaos takes arranged geometric patterns. Now the elements of objective reality are no longer perceived as such, and appear as either paintings of an outline of human chromosomes, as if accidentally compiled patterns in a media player, or as a virtual matrix reality when millions of numerals run along the screen at breakneck speed creating a new aesthetic reality.

Objects caught by the author are buildings from which architectural space is being built like a pattern of a new town planning scheme. All the photographs become parts of a construction set as they can be matched in any consequent modelling of a new landscape.

Coupling constants

Coupling constants are quantities characterizing the forces of interaction of particles or fields. The coupling constants determine the intensity of those transformations that are caused by elementary amplitudes. These constants are usually chosen dimensionless and are denoted by αe, αw, αs. The elementary amplitudes directly include the square roots of these quantities: (αe) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the electromagnetic interaction; (αw) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the weak interaction; (αs) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the strong interaction.     

The constant of electromagnetic interaction is the square of the electron’s electric charge, dimensionless with the help of the world constant ћc: αe = e2 / ћc = 1/137. Other constants do not have such a relationship with known physical quantities and are fundamentally new physical constants.    

In the Standard Model, the values ​​of the constants depend on the scale of the relative distances at which the interaction processes occur. The constants αe and αw in a wide energy range have values: αe = 1/137 = 0.0073, αw = 0.03-0.04.     

The strong interaction constant αs in the range of distances ≈1 fm is of the order of unity. This feature of strong interaction has received the special name of the nonperturbative mode of strong interaction. With a decrease in relative distances, the strong interaction constant decreases noticeably. At distances of scale 0.1 and 0.001 fm, this constant has the following values, respectively

αs (0.1 fm) ≈ 0.31, αs (0.001 fm) ≈ 0.105.

The Fermi constant GF = 1.4 · 10-49 erg · cm3 is related to the weak interaction constant αw of charged currents by the following relation: where Mw is the mass of the W boson.

The constants of the electromagnetic and weak interactions αe, αw also depend on energy. The values ​​of αs, αe, and αw at some energies are given in the table. Table. The values ​​of the interaction constants αs, αe, at some energies

Energy, GeV αs αe αw, 0.01 10 1/137 1/26, 0.1 1 1/135 1/27, 1 0.40 1/133 1/28, 100 0.12 1/128 1/30

The decrease in αs with increasing energy is a consequence of the antiscreening of a strong (color) charge, leading to asymptotic freedom. Anti-screening also takes place for a weak charge and decreases αw with increasing energy. For αe, due to screening, there is an increase in the constant with energy. The strong interaction constant varies most strongly with energy.     

The constants of the three fundamental interactions, which differ greatly at low energies, approach each other with increasing energy and, in the end, converge at energies of 1015-1016 GeV to almost the same value for all interactions

αGU ≈ 1/40.

This is the basis for the hope of creating a theory that combines strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions. The concept of combining these three interactions is called the Grand Unification - Grand Unification (GU).

ARCH&5gdK0.003 320x320x320 cm. material: nickel-plated metal 40x40 mm

ARCH&5gdK0.002 560x560x320 cm. material: nickel-plated metal 40x40 mm

ARCH&5gdK0.001 320x160x320 cm. material: nickel-plated metal 40x40 mm

ARCHmetamorphism #8456 (Copy)

Works of ARCHmetamorphizm project depict refraction of the author’s vision of architectural elements in a photograph.

Architectural sculpture transforms into fanciful forms as if small pieces of glass create a new geometrical reality after the turn of a kaleidoscope. Within such a transformation the original meaning of the utilised subjects are lost, they are no longer apartment or office buildings, or historical monuments, they become only the elements of a certain author’s vision, entering an aesthetic context.

Taking this path and losing its individuality, architectural elements become part of the author’s game with space, creating mosaics in which chaos takes arranged geometric patterns. Now the elements of objective reality are no longer perceived as such, and appear as either paintings of an outline of human chromosomes, as if accidentally compiled patterns in a media player, or as a virtual matrix reality when millions of numerals run along the screen at breakneck speed creating a new aesthetic reality.

Objects caught by the author are buildings from which architectural space is being built like a pattern of a new town planning scheme. All the photographs become parts of a construction set as they can be matched in any consequent modelling of a new landscape.

Coupling constants     

Coupling constants are quantities characterizing the forces of interaction of particles or fields. The coupling constants determine the intensity of those transformations that are caused by elementary amplitudes. These constants are usually chosen dimensionless and are denoted by αe, αw, αs. The elementary amplitudes directly include the square roots of these quantities: (αe) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the electromagnetic interaction; (αw) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the weak interaction; (αs) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the strong interaction.     

The constant of electromagnetic interaction is the square of the electron’s electric charge, dimensionless with the help of the world constant ћc: αe = e2 / ћc = 1/137. Other constants do not have such a relationship with known physical quantities and are fundamentally new physical constants.    

In the Standard Model, the values of the constants depend on the scale of the relative distances at which the interaction processes occur. The constants αe and αw in a wide energy range have values: αe = 1/137 = 0.0073, αw = 0.03-0.04.     

The strong interaction constant αs in the range of distances ≈1 fm is of the order of unity. This feature of strong interaction has received the special name of the nonperturbative mode of strong interaction. With a decrease in relative distances, the strong interaction constant decreases noticeably. At distances of scale 0.1 and 0.001 fm, this constant has the following values, respectively

αs (0.1 fm) ≈ 0.31, αs (0.001 fm) ≈ 0.105.     

The Fermi constant GF = 1.4 · 10-49 erg · cm3 is related to the weak interaction constant αw of charged currents by the following relation: where Mw is the mass of the W boson.

The constants of the electromagnetic and weak interactions αe, αw also depend on energy. The values of αs, αe, and αw at some energies are given in the table. Table. The values of the interaction constants αs, αe, at some energies

Energy, GeV αs αe αw, 0.01 10 1/137 1/26, 0.1 1 1/135 1/27, 1 0.40 1/133 1/28, 100 0.12 1/128 1/30     

The decrease in αs with increasing energy is a consequence of the antiscreening of a strong (color) charge, leading to asymptotic freedom. Anti-screening also takes place for a weak charge and decreases αw with increasing energy. For αe, due to screening, there is an increase in the constant with energy. The strong interaction constant varies most strongly with energy.     

The constants of the three fundamental interactions, which differ greatly at low energies, approach each other with increasing energy and, in the end, converge at energies of 1015-1016 GeV to almost the same value for all interactions

αGU ≈ 1/40.

This is the basis for the hope of creating a theory that combines strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions. The concept of combining these three interactions is called the Grand Unification - Grand Unification (GU).

Mass Hallucination of Still Modernity

Life is nothing more than the expectations for a better one - waiting for specific results that never appear. The modern life is a tense expectation.

When strained expectations result in nothing, it’s followed by laughter. At that moment, a person becomes aware of his/her incompatibility with the outer world and realizes that there is nothing left but selfirony. Irony is an eternal chaos of a clear mind. It outlines key factors and remains above conventions.

If a person is proud of his/her actions today, tomorrow that can change, since results are always different from original intentions. It is the irony of history, which is the cyclic process of the impossibility of “uploading” one’s own the future

Invisible fear of lonelines

The Invisible fear of loneliness ( Quantum involvement) Statement On the surface of a sea, a white particle of a light, having no mass or size, strives for the perfection. Aspiring to infinity, where it should find it’s second half.

With the speed of 300 km in an hour, it runs from the black surface and breaks through the space on a surface of a sea. The lonely Phiton moves even faster then a light, for the defeating of loneliness. In the project “The invisible fear of loneliness”, an author compares human aspiration for finding their second half to the Phitons chaotic movements. Mutual dependence of the light particles, during the quantum involvement can be perceived as an analogue to the ideal relation between a man and a woman. No matter how far the Phitons are from each other, despite the distance, they don’t loose the contact with each other. Phitons in quantum involvement are under a constant interaction.

Auto-Phobism – the fear of loneliness. Perhaps, it would be strange if there do not exist any such a phoby. The fear of loneliness is a part of life. The fear of what will be in the future. The Loneliness in the present may not be so dramatic at all. The invisible fear appears, when you start to think about how long the loneliness will last. The particles of the light in the boundless sea. The space, were no ends are seen. In this case the sea is the universe, in which we live and in which’s infinity we strive not to be alone.


A photon is a fundamental particle, a quantum of the electromagnetic field. In the form of photons, electromagnetic radiation is emitted and absorbed. A photon has the properties of both particles and waves. He has no electric charge, no mass. A photon has a certain energy E = hν (h is the Planck constant equal to 4.14 · 10-15 eV · sec, ν is the frequency of electromagnetic oscillations) and a pulse whose value is in the void).

Along with real photons, virtual photons also exist. Real photons emitting electromagnetic radiation energy and depending on this energy emit radiation from ordinary, x-ray and gamma rays. Virtual photons are carriers of electromagnetic interaction. For virtual photons, the relation between energy and momentum p = E / s is not satisfied. Virtual photons can have mass and even be at rest. The uncertainties of quantum mechanics allow the short-term appearance of virtual particles.

The electromagnetic interaction between two charged parts occurs by the exchange of one or virtual photons. In the role of a carrier of electromagnetic interaction, a photon belongs to the class of so-called gauge bosons - carriers of the fundamental forces of nature.

Dissociative identity disorder /You are not alone/

An internal resistance always accompanies a process of decision-making that can be seen as a symptom of a split personality. This duality is not always strict. It can’t change the main characteristics or influence a way of life. To a certain point, a human can control this sensation. However, in the case of a dissociative identity disorder, a person may lose individuality, get fragmented and feel as several, independent personalities.

When the alternate identity becomes dominant and episodic memory gradually recovers, the sense that you are not alone follows. The retrospection (sudden and unexpected return of memories) brings the fear of identification along with the personal “I”.


Dissociative personality disorder usually occurs in people who have experienced severe stress or trauma in childhood.

Children are not born with a sense of a single, integral personality; it develops under the influence of many factors and personal experience. In children exposed to prolonged excessive stress, the unification of mental components as an integral personality does not occur. Patients with dissociative personality disorder often experience prolonged and severe violence (physical, sexual, or emotional) and neglect in childhood (in the United States, Canada, and Europe, approximately 90% of patients). Some patients were not subjected to violence in childhood, but talk about strong emotional experiences associated, for example, with the death of a parent, serious illness or other stressful event.

Unlike most healthy children who have formed an integral self-identity, children who have experienced abuse do not integrate perceptions, memories, emotions and life experiences that remain separated. Over time, such children may develop an adaptive ability that protects the psyche from abuse, which manifests itself as "detachment" - that is, separation from its harsh physical environment - or withdrawal into oneself. Each phase of a child’s development or experienced negative experiences can provoke the development of a new personality.

In standardized tests, people with this disorder have high rates of sensitivity to hypnosis and dissociation (the ability to protect one’s own memories, feelings or personality from a conscious understanding).

ARCHmetamorphism #0110

Works of ARCHmetamorphizm project depict refraction of the author’s vision of architectural elements in a photograph.

Architectural sculpture transforms into fanciful forms as if small pieces of glass create a new geometrical reality after the turn of a kaleidoscope. Within such a transformation the original meaning of the utilised subjects are lost, they are no longer apartment or office buildings, or historical monuments, they become only the elements of a certain author’s vision, entering an aesthetic context.

Taking this path and losing its individuality, architectural elements become part of the author’s game with space, creating mosaics in which chaos takes arranged geometric patterns. Now the elements of objective reality are no longer perceived as such, and appear as either paintings of an outline of human chromosomes, as if accidentally compiled patterns in a media player, or as a virtual matrix reality when millions of numerals run along the screen at breakneck speed creating a new aesthetic reality.

Objects caught by the author are buildings from which architectural space is being built like a pattern of a new town planning scheme. All the photographs become parts of a construction set as they can be matched in any consequent modelling of a new landscape.

Coupling constants     

Coupling constants are quantities characterizing the forces of interaction of particles or fields. The coupling constants determine the intensity of those transformations that are caused by elementary amplitudes. These constants are usually chosen dimensionless and are denoted by αe, αw, αs. The elementary amplitudes directly include the square roots of these quantities: (αe) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the electromagnetic interaction; (αw) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the weak interaction; (αs) 1/2 - into the elementary amplitude of the strong interaction.     

The constant of electromagnetic interaction is the square of the electron’s electric charge, dimensionless with the help of the world constant ћc: αe = e2 / ћc = 1/137. Other constants do not have such a relationship with known physical quantities and are fundamentally new physical constants.    

In the Standard Model, the values of the constants depend on the scale of the relative distances at which the interaction processes occur. The constants αe and αw in a wide energy range have values: αe = 1/137 = 0.0073, αw = 0.03-0.04.     

The strong interaction constant αs in the range of distances ≈1 fm is of the order of unity. This feature of strong interaction has received the special name of the nonperturbative mode of strong interaction. With a decrease in relative distances, the strong interaction constant decreases noticeably. At distances of scale 0.1 and 0.001 fm, this constant has the following values, respectively

αs (0.1 fm) ≈ 0.31, αs (0.001 fm) ≈ 0.105.     

The Fermi constant GF = 1.4 · 10-49 erg · cm3 is related to the weak interaction constant αw of charged currents by the following relation: where Mw is the mass of the W boson.

The constants of the electromagnetic and weak interactions αe, αw also depend on energy. The values of αs, αe, and αw at some energies are given in the table. Table. The values of the interaction constants αs, αe, at some energies

Energy, GeV αs αe αw, 0.01 10 1/137 1/26, 0.1 1 1/135 1/27, 1 0.40 1/133 1/28, 100 0.12 1/128 1/30     

The decrease in αs with increasing energy is a consequence of the antiscreening of a strong (color) charge, leading to asymptotic freedom. Anti-screening also takes place for a weak charge and decreases αw with increasing energy. For αe, due to screening, there is an increase in the constant with energy. The strong interaction constant varies most strongly with energy.     

The constants of the three fundamental interactions, which differ greatly at low energies, approach each other with increasing energy and, in the end, converge at energies of 1015-1016 GeV to almost the same value for all interactions

αGU ≈ 1/40.

This is the basis for the hope of creating a theory that combines strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions. The concept of combining these three interactions is called the Grand Unification - Grand Unification (GU).

Trepanation of the “pseudo-intelligentsia” caused by stopping of unforeseen of Intelevisation

Intelevisation – is an invented word that carries an alternative meaning of the contemporary word intelligent.

Human’s relationship with television-phenomena, when free thinking, Lifestyle, Intellect, Knowledge, Perception of reality Are formed be watching TV.

TV is the problem of Modern Life. The person addicted to TV loses the most precious thing –The Time. To receive the ready-made information, pseudo values and ready ideals systematically,

The result is that brainwashed and motionless person becomes addicted to the unreal world and is unable to have own ideas. This kind of person becomes addicted to the virtula world and it leads to stupidity.